Mesoterapia fraccional o dermapen

Fractional mesotherapy or dermapen

Fractional mesotherapy treatment or dermapen is increasingly in demand in Spain. Dermapen is a device equipped with microneedles that ensure saturation of the skin of the face and body with biologically active substances and drugs.
  • What is fractional mesotherapy or dermapen?
  • Dermapen design features
  • How does the dermapen work?
  • Effectiveness of dermapen
  • Why choose dermapen?
  • Other advantages of the Alvi Pen professional dermapen
  • About the treatment

What is fractional mesotherapy or dermapen?

Dermapen is intended for professional use by specialists in aesthetics, cosmetology, dermatology, trichology and aesthetic medicine. Dermapen treatments help to eliminate a wide range of problems:
  • Skin inflammations of various etiologies
  • Edema
  • Various skin diseases (as indicated)
  • Cellulitis
  • Alopecia, hair loss, seborrhea
  • Scars, stretch marks
  • Skin hyperpigmentation
  • Acne, post-acne
  • Age-related changes in the face and body: wrinkles, gravitational ptosis, folds, etc.
The use of dermapen successfully replaces chemical peels, laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion, and is not inferior in effectiveness to these procedures. Compared to the classic method of drug injection, fractional mesotherapy is less painful and less traumatic. It has a minimum of contraindications and is suitable for a larger number of clients.

Dermapen design features

  • Shock-resistant aluminum housing
  • Non-slip coating
  • Medical steel microneedles
  • Disposable cartridges of 12 and 36 microneedles
  • Powerful electric motor up to 7200 rpm
  • Protection system against overheating, power surges and overload during operation
  • Wide range of settings: puncture depth, 6 speed modes, number of movements required per minute, etc.
Puncture depth, mm Speed ​​mode Number of movements per minute
0.25-0.5 I-II 3900-4500
0.5-1.0 II-III 4500-4800
1.0-1.5 III-IV ​4800-5400
​1.5-2.0 IV-V 5400-6000
​2.0-2.5 V-VI 6000-7200
2.5-3.0 VI 7200

How does the dermapen work?

The basic principles of mesotherapy were formulated in 1958 by the French physician Michel Pistor. They involve the injection of biologically active substances or drugs directly into the focus of the pathology (problem).
Over time, the method of intradermal and subcutaneous injection of drugs has improved - fractional mesotherapy appeared, for which dermapen is used. The device, equipped with microneedles, works on the principle of a "pneumatic hammer", working simultaneously in two directions:
  • gently polishes the skin is a regenerative superficial exfoliation
  • saturates the tissues with meso cocktails or pharmaceutical preparations: mesotherapy
    The device for fractional mesotherapy is recognized as a successful innovation in the field of modern cosmetology. With its help, it is possible to inject the optimal amount of substances useful for the skin, with the greatest possible precision and at a given depth. In this process, tissue puncture is less traumatic and less painful than with classical injections, because the miniature needles of the device have a special extended-edge sharpening. This allows them to penetrate the skin with lightning speed and almost painlessly.
    Dermapen allows saturating tissues with any medicines based on vitamins, minerals, acids, extracts, etc. Providing a continuous micro-injection effect into the problem area of ​​the face or body, the fractional mesotherapy device injects the necessary substances to a depth of 0.25-3 mm and stimulates the natural functions of the skin.
    Fractional mesotherapy scheme

    Effectiveness of dermapen

    The high effectiveness of the method is based not only on the properties of meso cocktails, but also on the effect of microneedles on the surface of the skin. By creating micro-damages, the dermapen seems to “wake up” the tissues, forces them to activate internal physical and chemical reactions, regeneration and regeneration processes and directs them towards faster restoration of damaged skin. Over time, the treated face and body parts invisibly observe the growth of new cells and increased production of new elastin and collagen fibers. Outwardly, it looks like skin rejuvenation and revitalization.
    Dermapen treatments offer fast results with a long-lasting effect. For the final solution of the existing problem, 3-10 treatments are required. The duration of the course, as well as the composition of the injected cocktails, is determined for each client individually: depending on the type of skin and the complexity of the problem.
    Please note! For specialists who want to purchase a dermapen and are just getting acquainted with fractional mesotherapy, we offer free training on the principles of the device and the techniques of the procedure. Training is optional, and after it, the specialist receives a certificate confirming that he has mastered the necessary skills to work.

    Why choose dermapen?

    The main trend in modern cosmetology is minimally invasive methods of rejuvenation and correction. This is due not only to natural reasons, such as the client's low pain threshold or fear of injections, but also to the desire to obtain a quick and guaranteed result of transformation with minimal risk to health. Innovative models of the dermapen have been developed to achieve this goal. The advantages of its use are obvious!
    • Treatments with little or no pain
    • High level of hygiene
    • Cumulative effect
    • Short recovery period: 1 day
    • No trace of treatment
    • Permanent visible result
    The procedures can be performed independently or combined with other methods of rejuvenation, correction and care.

    Other advantages of the Alvi Pen professional dermapen

    The professional dermapen method is a more comfortable alternative to “beauty injections”. The hammer-type needles also have a comparable cleansing effect to chemical peels, laser facial resurfacing or microdermabrasion.
    The technique is based on the active stimulation of natural regeneration processes and abundant collagen release through numerous micro skin damages. Simultaneously with the penetration of the needle, a month cocktail is injected to the appropriate depth that is selected individually for each client.
    The special design of the limiting barrel cartridge allows the skin to be pre-tensioned and prepared for maximum vertical entry of microneedles. In addition, each miniature needle (up to 0.3 mm thick) has a special elongated tip sharpening, which further simplifies the puncture process.

    About the treatment

    Before starting a session, a complete make-up removal and skin disinfection are performed, followed by application of a special anesthetic cream. After removing the remnants of the anesthetic cream (within 20-25 minutes), the skin is treated first with mesococktails and then with a microneedle nozzle. Depending on the complexity of the problem and taking into account anesthesia, the procedure time is on average 60-90 minutes.
    To relieve skin irritation and swelling, a soothing agent or mask based on collagen-elastin framework is mandatory. The final elimination of unpleasant consequences of the procedure occurs within 24 hours.
    Taking advantage of our offer to purchase the Alvi Pen professional dermapen, you can count on warranty service. We also offer the opportunity to order fast delivery of any cosmetology equipment to any city in Spain.
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